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Adoro Pessoas Que Adoram o Batman.

06 -
Favorite Super Hero and why
Kick Ass my ass. I know of no hero as close to reality as Batman.
Super powers? Ancestry alien? Green magical Ringlet?
Nope, what he has is anunusual intelligence, and a lot of money. Only.

Nobody gave powers to Batman, he was not born different, not special, not half fish or alien or anything.
And even though he also use underpants over his pants, he has (almost) nothing in common with Superman.
Batman does not plan to maintain peace and order in the whole world. All he wants is to protect what is within his reach.
And sometimes it fails, but that's what it means to be human, you make mistakes, and has to deal with them for life, like it or not.

I also like the Batman because he looks like me.
He pretends he doesn't care, that he does not give a shit about people, that he makes difficult choices easily because they are the right choices, but the truth is that he cares much more than he shows.
Also, he carries scars from all his fights, no miracle alien cure, no drama, no crying, just giving his best and moving on.

And while Batman is always dark, the truth is that Bruce Wayne never really gives up to find happiness.
And he never let fear stop him from proceed, even using as cover a garment inspired by their greatest fear, a bat, proving that it's far better to be braver than fearless.
And as Kick Ass (damn fool) made ​​it clear to the younger generations, you do not need superpowers to be a hero.
All you need is courage, attitude, willpower.
Bruce Wayne had all this and more: brains, money and good sense, and that's why for me he is the best hero of all.
[by Whatever, uma boa (nerd) amiga. ;D]

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